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  1. Principale
  2. Maldives
  3. Male Atoll
  4. Taj Exotica Resort & Spa

Les détails de réservation


Le forfait comprend

All prices include return transfers and personal service

Sélectionnez les options d'hébergement et de repas disponibles

Options de filtrage

Taj Exotica Resort & Spa INSTALLATIONS

  • Villa with pool
  • Beachfront
  • SPA
  • Butler
  • Speedboat
  • Small island
  • Gym
  • Swimming pool
  • Free WiFi
  • House reef
  • Yoga
  • Overwater Hammock
  • Near Male
  • Wedding
  • Best beaches
  • Best beach villas
  • Best resorts in South Male Atoll
  • Speedboat transfer
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Taj Exotica Resort & Spa Aperçu de l'hôtel

Information additionnelle Taj Exotica Resort & Spa

Les détails de réservation Taj Exotica Resort & Spa

  • Maldives Male Atoll
  • room meal
  • 2  Adultes   4 nuits
  • 2025-04-25 - 2025-04-29

Le forfait comprend Taj Exotica Resort & Spa

  • Logement et repas
  • Toutes les taxes applicables
  • Offre spéciale appliquée
  • Prix ​​total

    USD  par personne par nuit  USD 
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Taj Exotica Resort & Spa - TripAdvisor© Traveler Reviews

Best holiday ever

Me and my daughter had best time at Taj Exotica Maldives. Everything was just perfect, the view, the food their hospitality. Special mention to Mr. Ahmed who took really good care of everything be it...
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C ankita g

The Taj Experience

We wanted to spend our 30th marriage anniversary in Maldives and chose Taj. This property of Taj can blow your mind away. Endless expanse of the lagoon and sea and the view from the water villa is to...
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C Pioneer41108924977

Beautiful Memories at Taj Maldives

Hey Folks, Just got back from our honeymoon at Taj Exotica, Maldives and i MUST say we wouldn't have it any other way. The entire team at the resort was great, ready to help especially Mr. Nadeem who...
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C aastha25796