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Champlung Mas Hotel, Legian FACILITIES
- Restaurant
- Bar
- Family Rooms
- Garden/vegetable Garden
Champlung Mas Hotel, Legian Hotel overview
Additional information to Champlung Mas Hotel, Legian
Booking details Champlung Mas Hotel, Legian
- Indonesia Bali
- room meal
- 2 Adults 4 nights
- 2025-04-09 - 2025-04-13
Package includes Champlung Mas Hotel, Legian
Accommodation & Meals
All applicable taxes
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Champlung Mas Hotel, Legian - TripAdvisor© Traveler Reviews
Friendly staff

Agus staff I give him 5 stars for service,always helping us in this hotel. Beautiful rooftop pool and I can't wait to return. The rooms are large and comfortable. Happy to stay. Everything is a...
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Nature R
Amazing Cool Room

We arrived 25th February. I spoke to staff about cleaning airconditioner. I then also spoke to Carlos about the same thing. He had someone at our room very quickly. We wanted it done due to all the...
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Deborah F
Perth, Australia
Always happy staying here.. 🫶

I have been staying at Champlung MAs for so many years and all staff are friendly and will do anything to make your stay enjoyable..
Widnyana from housekeeping is amazing he continually kept my room...
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Julie B