Booking details
Package includes
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Rama Beach Resort and Villas FACILITIES
- Restaurant
- Bar
- Tennis
- Swimming pool
- Family Rooms
- Garden/vegetable Garden
- Outdoor pool
- Kids Pool
- Cycling
- Fitness centre
Rama Beach Resort and Villas Hotel overview
Additional information to Rama Beach Resort and Villas
Booking details Rama Beach Resort and Villas
- Indonesia Bali
- room meal
- 2 Adults 4 nights
- 2025-04-09 - 2025-04-13
Package includes Rama Beach Resort and Villas
Accommodation & Meals
All applicable taxes
Special offer applied
Rama Beach Resort and Villas - TripAdvisor© Traveler Reviews
Wonderful facilities and friendly staff

We stayed in the one bedroom villa with private pool.
It was wonderful having a small little oasis in our courtyard to relax in, but we also really enjoyed the atmosphere of main pool. The main...
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Rachel B
Bali, satisfying stay within limited budget

Very good hotel for budget conscious travellers to Bali. It]s closer to Denpasar airport and very near to Baruna Bali beach. Although it is very old hotel, it has many facilities like swimming pool...
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Bhishag M
Absolutely wonderful, peaceful and a true oasis.

This place is an oasis, this time I was lucky enough to stay in a beautiful villa, it was so quiet and comfortable and spacious.
The staff are wonderful and the pool is always nice and cool. Also...
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Amanda D