Time in Bali and other parts of the world can vary significantly. The difference depends on the time zone in which the country is located. The time difference must be taken into account when planning a trip and flights. If you decide to go to a paradise island, consider the time difference between Bali and your city when organizing your trip.
Time in Bali
The islands of the Malay Archipelago, depending on the geographical location, belong to three time zones.
- WIT (Eastern Standard Time) UTC + 9:00 to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
- WIB (Western Standard Time) UTC+7:00 to GMT
- WITA (Central Standard Time) UTC+8:00 to GMT
Bali is the westernmost part of the Lesser Sunda Islands and belongs to Central Standard Time (Waktu Indonesia Tengah). That is ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by 8 hours.
Pascal Debrunner
How to tell the time difference from Bali
Subtracting the difference in hours between Bali and another city is easy. This is done by subtracting from the Balinese time zone (UTC + 8:00) your time zone number. For example, consider the time difference between Bali and Kiev (UTC+3 in summer).
Bali UTC + 8:00 - Kiev UTC + 03:00 = 5 hours.
Darren Lawrence
Daylight saving time in Bali
All islands in Indonesia do not have daylight saving time. These are the southern islands, where the change of season does not have significant climatic changes. Therefore, there is no need to switch to another time zone with the advent of summer. Thus, Bali always stays in the same time zone, which is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
In Bali, you can see very landscape sunrises and sunsets. This is a sight that tourists often try to catch in the mountains and on the endless beaches of the southern part of the island.
Sunrise in Bali comes around 6:00. To be sure, expect sunrise between 5:50 and 6:20, depending on the time of year. Colorful sunsets are worth meeting from 18:00 to 18:40.
Mahmud Ahsan
Flights to Bali
Malaysia, Australia, Philippines, Brunei, China and Singapore are in the same time zone as Bali. It is the most densely populated time zone in the world. But within the republic, zonal time is different.
So, if you decide to get to Bali through the capital of Indonesia, you should consider that the time on the island is one hour ahead of time in Jakarta. This is important when organizing flights, transfers and your leisure time.
Bali and major cities of the world - time difference
Los Angeles |
-15 hours |
Chicago |
-13 hours |
New York |
-12 hours |
Toronto |
-12 hours |
Sao Paulo |
-11 hours |
Lagos |
-7 hours |
London |
-7 hours |
Zurich |
-6 hours |
Johannesburg |
-6 hours |
Cairo |
-6 hours |
Paris |
-6 hours |
Istanbul |
-5 hours |
Moscow |
-5 hours |
Mumbai |
-2.5 hours |
Hong Kong |
0 |
Singapore |
0 |
Shanghai |
0 |
Tokyo |
+1 hour |
Sydney |
+2 hours |
Jet lag and time difference
After air travel to countries in other time zones, you can experience a state of failure of natural biorhythms. This is a specific syndrome that can manifest itself as dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, indigestion and sudden changes in mood. How to mitigate the state of the so-called jet lag in order to enjoy the journey without it? Some good advice below:
- Re-plan your daily routine for the new time zone about a week before the flight.
- Drink as much water as possible - a couple of days before the flight and a few days after.
- Try to minimize the consumption of coffee and alcohol for the same couple of days.
- Do not eat high carbohydrate meals during the flight.
- After landing, it is advisable to have a hearty lunch. This meal will only benefit.
- Don't go to bed as soon as you arrive, but wait until it's bedtime in your new time zone.
- Walk more often in the fresh air, preferably in the morning and evening, when there is no heat. Walking barefoot is highly encouraged.
- More sunlight and in general contact with nature.
- Gadgets as little as possible in the early days, especially before bed.
- Go in for sports. This refers to light training, yoga and exercise. Strong physical activity is contraindicated.
- Visit the spa. A revitalizing anti- jet lag massage can work wonders.
- Take sleeping pills if you still cannot fall asleep at the right time after all the manipulations. But only after consultation with your doctor.
- Remember that your physical activity and positive attitude will work better than any drug for jet lag.
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