While you're on holiday in Bali and enjoying beautiful beaches, wildlife and stunning views of the rice fields, don't miss the opportunity to get up close and personal with the rich culinary culture of this distinctive region.
We will tell you more about what the national cuisine of Bali is and what dishes you should definitely try during your vacation.
General information about Balinese cuisine
Balinese cuisine is a harmonious combination of Indonesian, Chinese and Indian flavors. It is based on rice, meat, seafood and vegetables. When preparing dishes, the Balinese actively use a variety of spices, including white and black pepper, galangal , turmeric, sesame, coriander and garlic. Such spices emphasize the taste of dishes and also give them a special aroma.
Almost no meal in Bali is complete without rice. Boiled or steamed grains are usually complemented with vegetables, seafood or a variety of pork or chicken dishes. But beef is consumed extremely rarely in Bali.
Fruits are also very popular. Among the most common are bananas and mangoes, coconut and melon, jackfruit , papaya and rambutan .
You can enjoy Balinese cuisine in all its diversity both in resort restaurants and in local eateries ( warungs ), as well as during holidays and festivals. It is worth noting that the menu of Balinese gastronomic establishments includes vegetarian as well as halal dishes.
Traditional dishes in Bali
Nasi Goreng - fried rice with pieces of meat and vegetables added. In 2018, it was officially recognized by the Indonesian government as one of the country's five national dishes, along with soto , sate , g a do-g a do and rendang . According to Indonesian culinary experts, there are 104 variations of this dish in Indonesia.
Soto is a hearty Indonesian soup consisting of broth, meat and vegetables. There are many recipes for preparing this dish. The most popular in Bali are soto ayam based on chicken meat, soto babi based on pork and soto ceker of chicken legs.
Sate lilit is a variation of the popular Southeast Asian dish Satay . It is spicy minced pork, chicken or fish wrapped around a bamboo skewer and fried over charcoal or grilled.
Gado-gado - Indonesian salad, which is one of the five national dishes of Indonesia. Its name means " mix " in Indonesian . It contains eggs, boiled potatoes, steamed beans and other vegetables, and fried tofu, mixed with a peanut sauce dressing. Can be accompanied by lotong - rice wrapped in a banana leaf.
Betutu - steamed or fried chicken or duck meat, generously seasoned with spices. May be served with hot sauce.
Mie Goreng - fried noodles combined with spices, onions, eggs, meat or seafood.
Lawar - a mixture of vegetables, minced meat, fresh grated coconut and other ingredients fried in coconut oil. Typically served with rice. There are several varieties of this dish: with chicken, pork, and jackfruit. Sometimes, to enhance the taste, pork or chicken blood mixed with spices ( lawar merah ).
Babi Guling - spit-roasted suckling pig seasoned with traditional spices. Usually served with rice and vegetables.
Nasi Campur is a small portion of rice, which is accompanied by vegetable salad and meat. Often served with the famous Babi Guling or Sate lilit .
Tempe - a traditional dish made from fermented soybeans.
Pisang Goreng is a sweet and aromatic delicacy made from banana fried in a special “batter” consisting of flour, eggs, sugar, milk and butter. Can be served with chocolate, condensed milk or jam.
Laklak is a traditional Balinese pancake made from rice flour with grated coconut and melted palm sugar.
Bali offers a fairly wide range of drinks: from refreshing coconut water, healthy fresh juices and smoothies that help quench your thirst on a hot tropical day, to tea and coffee, beer, as well as stronger alcoholic drinks. Eg:
Brem is a Balinese alcoholic drink that is made from fermented mashed black or white glutinous rice. Brem can be white or red depending on the proportions of rice used in production.
Arak is a strong alcoholic drink made from fermented rice that can be drunk neat or used as a base for a cocktail. Arak must be purchased only from trusted places, otherwise it can cause serious harm to health.
Kopi Luwak is a type of coffee that consists of partially digested coffee beans eaten, fermented in the gastrointestinal tract, and defecated by a cute little animal known as musang .
If previously this process took place mainly in natural conditions, now a method in which animals are fed in captivity is gaining popularity. Their waste products are collected, washed and processed.
Despite the specifics of production and heated discussions around this drink, Kopi Luwak is considered one of the most expensive coffees in the world.
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